Here is the scenario: you attend a bridal show, signup for a bunch of information from a variety of vendors, hope to win a few door prizes, and go your merry way. Not too long after, the phone calls, emails, and snail mail follows. If you receive an invitation to a showcase, you can be sure the audience will be much smaller. Showcases are real getting-to-know you sessions. Many of the vendors at the showcase only showed you a small sample of their work. When you attend the showcase, you can guarantee a much more in-depth specialized presentation and a much more personalized experience. A showcase is also a great way to get-to-know vendors' professional networks, so it will be worth your time investment. Remember, a showcase is not the same as a bridal show. A showcase is for a much more discerning audience, who is definitely interested in a particular product or service. As always, reach out to me if I can help you in any way.
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