100% Live?

Many entertainment companies lure couples in with billboards and aggressive marketing, which works, but what you don't know is many of those same companies utilize bands, which use backing tracks for their performances. As a result, the client receives semi-live music but pays for actual live music, which can amount to thousands of dollars!  In essence, you are paying for a DJ who has expendable musicians playing along. If you decide to pursue live music for your wedding reception, make sure you know what you are getting, so you know exactly what you are paying for (dangling preposition added for emphasis). Actual Live Music has a unique sound and energy, which creates a beautiful ambience for your celebration. If you go 100% live, you will be 100% satisfied only if you have thoroughly vetted the bands in which you are interested. The process is tricky and takes time, but I can help. First, attend a private showcase. Second, ask the tough questions. As always, you can reach out to me with any questions you may have. Thank you.


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